Bishektomi – Hollywood cheek

Bishektomy is a popular aesthetic procedure that makes its facial features clear. This process, which is performed to capture the aesthetics known as Hollywood cheeks, makes the face oval thinner. Discover The Details and Process!

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Bistectomy is a surgical procedure to make it clear of facial features and to achieve an aesthetic appearance. Especially the desire to have a Hollywood -style cheek causes many people to prefer this method. The procedure is performed by removing the adipose tissue in the cheek area and as a result, a thinner facial profile occurs. However, it is very important for those who think about this operation to have information about the healing process and possible risks after Bishactomy.

What is a bichectomy?

Bichectomy stands out as a popular surgical procedure in the field of facial aesthetics, especially for a Hollywood-level look.


is widespread among individuals who want to achieve it. This is performed by surgical reduction of fat tissue on the cheeks. Bishektomi draws attention with its features:

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  • Fat tissue reduction: The process makes the cheeks look thinner.
  • Significant facial features: Makes the jaw line and cheekbones more pronounced.
  • Aesthetic Objectives: Usually preferred to get a younger look or to reach the image of “Hollywood cheek”.

Bihactomy is mostly performed under local anesthesia and usually lasts between 30 minutes and 1 hour. A rapid recovery process is expected after the procedure, which makes it a popular choice of aesthetic surgery.

Important Notes About Bihaktomi

  • Target audience: It can be preferred by both women and men.
  • Age Limit: Usually applied to individuals over 18 years of age.
  • Results: The result of the post -procedure may vary depending on the face structure of the individual.

In short, it offers an effective option for those looking for aesthetic appearance.

Objectives of Bishektomi Process

Bihactomy is a surgery applied to improve facial aesthetics and has many different purposes. Below, we detail the main objectives of this process:

  • Significant of the facial features: Bishctomy makes the cheek fat tissue and makes the facial features more pronounced. In this way, a sharper jaw line and a thinner face appearance are obtained.
  • A thinner face appearance: Especially individuals with round face structure can reach a thinner face look with a bishctomy. This provides a more attractive appearance both in aesthetics and social terms.
  • Providing aesthetic balance: Excessive fat tissue on the face can create a disproportionate appearance. Bishektomi optimizes the general aesthetics of the face by eliminating this imbalance.
  • Increasing self -confidence: Aesthetic concerns can affect one’s self -confidence. The appearance obtained after Bishaktomi increases the self -esteem in many individuals and enables them to play a more active role in social life.
  • Reducing the signs of aging: The fat accumulated on the cheeks in advanced age may show the person older. Bihactomy helps to achieve a younger appearance by reducing these oils.

For these reasons, it is preferred by many people who are looking for aesthetic intervention. Considering its effects on facial aesthetics, it is understood that Bishektomi has increased popularity.

Considering its effects on facial aesthetics, it is understood that Bishektomi has increased popularity.

Considering Its Effects on Facial Aesthetics, it is under the bishhectomy has increased popularity. This process usually progresses with the following steps:

  1. Consultation: As a first step, a detailed interview is held with a specialist surgeon. Here, patient requests, face structure and possible results are discussed.
  2. Planning: The surgeon determines the best Bistectomy technique suitable for the patient’s face type. Planning: The surgeon determines the best Bistectomy technique suitable for the patient’s face type.
  3. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is usually applied before the procedure. In this way, the patient does not feel pain during the procedure.
  4. Surgical intervention: The surgeon makes a small cut from the mouth and removes the fat tissue. This step is usually completed between 30 minutes and 1 hour.
  5. Termination: After the procedure, the cuts are covered with sewing or adhesive. The patient’s consciousness is clearly kept under surveillance for a short time.
  6. Son Kontrol: İşlemin ardından hasta, doktorunun önerileri doğrultusunda takip edilir. The healing process is observed and interventions are made if necessary.
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Bishektomy, when done properly as an aesthetic process, provides the desired appearance by clarifying the facial features. However, as in every surgical procedure, it is important to be performed by a specialist surgeon.

Healing process after bias

The healing process after the process of Bishektomi is usually fast and comfortable. However, the recovery time of each individual may vary. Here are the important points to be considered in this process:

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  • In the first 24 hours: After the procedure, light swelling and bruises may occur. This usually passes spontaneously within a few days.
  • Pain Management: Mild pain sensation is normal. Your doctor may recommend painkillers to manage this.
  • Nutrition: It is important to consume soft foods for the first few days. Avoiding hard and spicy foods accelerates the healing process.
  • Oral Care: Pay attention to oral hygiene reduces the risk of infection. You should use the mouthwash recommended by the doctor.
  • Monitoring: You should visit your doctor regularly during the recovery process and have your situation checked.
1-3 daysSwelling and bruiseApply cold compresses
1-2 weeksMild painUse painkillers recommended by the doctor
Week 2Healing developmentFeed with soft foods

After regular follow -up after biasctomy, the process can be achieved healthier. During this time, complying with the doctor’s advice positively affects the healing process.

Bishctomy may have some risks and side effects, although it is an aesthetic procedure. Therefore, it is important to get detailed information before the process. Here are the main risks and side effects that should be known about Bishektomi:

  • Risk of infection: Infections that may occur after procedure may adversely affect the healing process. Therefore, it is vital to comply with hygiene rules.
  • Bleeding: There is a risk of bleeding as a bishactomy is applied to areas close to blood vessels. Symptoms of bleeding after the procedure should be carefully monitored.
  • Sensory Changes: The probability of damaging the nerves during the procedure may lead to temporary or permanent sensory changes in the face area.
  • Asymmetry: There is a risk of asymmetry in the cheeks after bishctomy. Therefore, it is important that an experienced surgeon performs the procedure.
  • Challenges in the healing process: The healing process of each individual is different. Symptoms such as pain, swelling or bruise may occur.

Taking into consideration these risks, it is critical to consult a specialist before the process of being done and evaluate all possibilities and to obtain healthy results.

Lip Lift (Liplift)

Expectations and Results after Bişektomi

The process is performed in order to achieve a more aesthetic appearance by clarifying facial features. After this procedure, the expectations and results of the patients are summarized below:

  • Changes in facial contours:
    • After the fishectomy, the facial features become sharper due to the thinning of the cheeks.
    • It is an ideal solution especially for those who want to have diamond facial features.
  • Recovery time:
    • After the procedure, healing usually occurs within 1-2 weeks.
    • Patients may experience mild swelling and bruises in this process, but this is temporary.
  • Permanent Results:
    • The effect of biasctomy process is permanent;In other words, the appearance obtained after the procedure is maintained for a long time.
    • However, the face structure may change with the aging process.
  • Satisfaction of Patients:
    • Most patients indicate that they feel more self -safe after biasctomy.
    • Positive results often lead to improvements in social life and personal relationships.

Therefore, it is important that you clarify your expectations before Bishektomi. The process may provide aesthetically satisfactory results, but the consequences of each individual may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bişektomi?

Bishctomy is the removal of the adipose tissue in the cheek area with a surgical procedure. This operation is performed to ensure that the cheeks look thinner and to help the facial features clear. Bishctomy is usually performed under local anesthesia and adipose tissue is removed with small incisions from the inside of the cheeks. As a result, the facial features of the patients have a sharper appearance.

Who is suitable for a bichectomy?

Hollywood Yanagi Estetigi 2 Bishektomi - Hollywood cheekBistectomy is usually a suitable procedure for young adults who desire a thinner facial features. However, ideal candidates are generally in good health, face structure is individuals with symmetrical and general aesthetic appearance. It can also be applied to people who do not have excessive weight problems and therefore want to reduce areas with high fat tissue. The doctor personally evaluates each patient and determines the most appropriate treatment method.

How is the healing process after bichectomy?

The recovery process after biasctomy is usually rapid. Patients may return to normal activities within a few days after the operation, but swelling and bruising for the first few days. Doctors generally recommend that patients to rest to accelerate the healing process, to use cold compress applications and the recommended medications. In general, significant improvements are observed in 1-2 weeks.

How long is the permanence of Bishektomi?

The results of the process of biasctomy are mold;However, factors such as aging process and overall weight fluctuations may affect over time. Once the fat tissue on the cheeks is removed, the likelihood of new fat accumulation in these regions is reduced, but if there are significant changes in the body mass index, the facial appearance may also be affected. For this reason, it is important that people who are considering to have something like to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

What are the risks of Bishektomi?

Bihactomy carries some risks such as other surgical procedures. There may be complications due to infection, bleeding or anesthesia, as well as asymmetry or unexpected changes in facial features as undesirable results. However, it is of great importance to be done by an experienced surgeon to minimize these risks. It is recommended that patients make a conscious decision by taking sufficient information before any surgical procedure and answering all their questions.