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Breast Aesthetics Gynaecomastia



SURGERY NAME: Male breast reduction, Gynecomastia

GYNECOMASTIA Excessive breast enlargement in men is called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can usually occur as a result of an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone hormones, but also as a result of unhealthy diet, fast food consumption, sedative life. In fat cells in overweight people, testerone is converted to estrogen. Breast growth is triggered by estrogen. Direct operation is not recommended for breast enlargement caused by irregular hormones during puberty. Need to wait 2 years (average age 18)

In addition to blood and hormone tests, radiological imaging methods such as ultrasound, MRI and computed tomography can be used to understand breast enlargement.


Liposuction : The patient’s fat in the breast area can be reduced with liposuction. Liposuction sonrasında hastanın deri kaliesi iyi ve deri sarkma miktarı fazla değil ise cilt korse kullanımı sornasında toparlanır. After liposuction, if the patient’s skin quality is good and the amount of skin sagging is not high, the skin recovers after the use of a corset. Radiofrequency 1 after surgery. is an energy-based tool applied to the skin on the moon. If the skin quality is not good and the amount of sagging is high, gynecomastia operation should be performed.

PULL-THROUGH : If there are puffinesses that are noticeable from the outside after liposuction, these puffinesses are hard breast tissues that do not pass with liposuction. The mammary gland is removed with the help of scissors through a 2 cm incision under the nipple. Irregularities are eliminated.

Circular Excision : For patients with moderately to severely sagging breast skin, an incision is made between the dark colored part around the nipple and the normal skin. Excess skin is removed circumferentially and fed to the nipple. 5 cm diameter skin area (25cm2) is fed to 3 cm diameter skin area (9cm2). Approximately 16cm2 of skin is excised. These numbers vary according to each patient.

Gynecomastia with Horizantal Scar: In patients with severe breast sagging, usually after excessive weight loss, breast tissue is removed so that a scar remains in the inframammary groove. Depending on the amount of sagging, the nipple can be moved to its new place as a patch (the nipple becomes a little pale, flattened) or it can be moved to its new place with the flap technique.

Gynecomastia with Inverted T scar: If the skin sagging of the patient is severe and the breast tissue is excessive and sagging with adipose tissue, the breast tissue is removed so that a scar descending downward under the nipple and a scar including the breast groove is formed. This technique is generally applied for overweight patients.

TYPE OF ANESTHESIA: General, Local, Sedation


  • Due to the growth of breast tissue, the patient wants to have an aesthetic body structure, -The patient cannot find a dress that suits her
  • He wants a muscular body structure in the breast area.



  • 2-3 for desk work
  • Start time for work requiring strength 3 weeks
  • Edema and bruising occur. It will take up to 3 weeks for these edemas to decrease and you will feel relieved.
  • Return to daily activities and self-sufficiency 1-2 days
  • Pain is minimal. Surgery 1. We ensure that the patient does not feel pain with intravenous painkillers on the day and oral painkillers after discharge.
  • The patient can take a shower 48 hours after the operation.


  • For 1 month it is necessary to use a corset. This is the most important postoperative procedure for gynecomastia.
  • There is almost no pain after gynecomastia surgery. There is only a feeling of stiffness. 6. hardness starts to disappear in a month. 4. per day your swelling starts to decrease
  • There is no need to remove the stitches as they are all under the skin.

Medicines that should not be used :

  • Painkillers such as Apranax, Voltaren, Vermidon
  • (Ağrı kesicilere ihtiyaç duyulduğunda Minoset, Novalgin kullanılabilir).
  • Multivitamin pills containing substances such as Ginseng, Ginko Biloba, CO-enzyme Q,
  • Consumption of herbal products such as green tea, flax seeds, cherry stalks, tomato seeds and all weight loss products should be stopped 7 days in advance.

