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Body Aesthetics Vaser Liposuction

Hi-Def Vaser Liposuction for Men



Hi-def vaser liposuction is not a simple fat removal method. When a sculptor paints the male body, he creates shadows in the sculpture with the carvings he makes in the marble, making the muscles more prominent. It pays attention to its harmony with other parts of the body. With ultrasonographic liposuction, the body can be approached artistically. To work in such detail, it is necessary to shape the superficial fatty tissue while reducing the amount of fat in the deep fat layer. In men who undergo Vaser liposuction, it is tried to give the person a sporty, healthy, natural fit body shape (instagram photos). In classical liposuction, total thinning can be achieved, but the patient still feels thick. Vaser lipo body shaping is done in a safer, more qualitative way.

Ideal patient types for Hi-def application

  • Young and middle-aged men
  • Body mass index below 30
  • No sagging skin after excessive weight loss
  • Weak people
  • People who are generally not fat but have excess regional fat or whose body is not shaped enough despite doing sports

Vaser liposuction is a permanent application. If the person does not gain and lose excessive weight, gaining and losing weight does not affect the result (+-10 kilos). The thinner the patient, the better the result. Since the result is parallel to the patient’s own muscles, a natural appearance is created. Vaser Hi-Def operation is an operation that has recently been preferred by men who want to look more fit.

When ultrasanographic liposuction is performed on men, the body is examined in 5 areas: Arms, back, chest, waist, and legs. If necessary, fat taken from the patient can be added to the butt area. The body is shaped according to the shape of the muscle groups in this region and the muscle mass of the patient.

  • Biceps, triceps, deltoid muscles in the arm
  • Pectoral, latissimus muscle groups in the chest
  • Rectus abdominis (six packs,) and oblique muscle shadowing in the abdomen
  • Trapezius muscle in the back region
  • The vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles in the leg are emphasized.

In areas with low muscle mass, fat transfer can be performed if necessary. The important thing is to approach the body holistically. The fat removal and transplantation procedure for each patient is different. The surgery takes 3-6 hours. It is mandatory to wear a corset for 1 month after the operation. If bruising occurs, it will disappear within 1 week. You can return to your normal life in 3-6 days. Drugs such as weight loss pills, blood thinners and drinks such as caffeine, green tea, ginseng, flaxseed, flaxseed, cherry stem should be avoided for 1 week before surgery.


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