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Chin Aesthetics Facial Aesthetics

What is Chin Aesthetics?



Chin aesthetics is the most important aesthetic component that concerns the lower half of the face. The position of the forehead and chin is the main element that ensures that the organs of the face that protrude forward, such as the nose and lips, fit the face. I first look at the chin of my patients who come for rhinoplasty. In my patients with a back chin, no matter how beautiful the nose is, the nose does not fully fit the face. At the same time, in these patients, the fat under the chin appears to be excessive, but in fact, since the chin is behind, there will be skin potency and a lot of tissue compression in the short area (chin-neck).

Implant application to the chin is one of the most important procedures performed in chin aesthetics. There are two types of it, silicone and medpor. Medpor forms a fusiform structure on the bone by merging with the bone. But it can be infected more easily. Therefore, I find it more practical and convenient to use silicone implants. It is a 1-hour procedure that can be performed through a 3 cm incision inside the mouth or under the chin. The incision under the chin heals faster but leaves a scar on the skin. Although this scar is not noticeable in the under-chin groove, sometimes it may not be accepted. In the incision made through the mouth, the implant can be infected more easily while being placed. My patients who do not like the risk usually want this procedure to be performed under the chin. In surgeries performed by entering through the mouth, the location of the implant placed more comfortably is better seen and the implant is less likely to slip. We decide on their choice after long conversations with the patient. Sometimes, in people who do not have too much jaw retardation, the jaw can be advanced forward with filling. Or fat can be injected into the chin after surgery. In cases where the jaw is too far back, bone crushing procedures that move the jaw forward can be performed with a silicone implant. These methods should be discussed with the patient and a decision should be taken accordingly. These procedures are not very painful.

Patients with an advanced or sharp chin can also undergo bone-related procedures such as chin filing and ostetomy. Although these procedures are a bit painful, you can return to normal life within 4-5 days. Stay in hospital for 1 day. There is no problem in eating or speaking after the operation. Antibiotics and painkillers are used for 1 week.

The chin is among the most important components of the face. Operations that are much more complicated than fillers may be needed. The operation is also tailored to your character. It is at least as effective as the nose and lips in changing the face.

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