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Botox Migraine Surgery Non-Surgical Aesthetics Reconstructive Surgery What is Aesthetic Surgery?

Migraine Botox



The stress people experience during the day has increased a lot. The hardships of life, the hardship of making a living, the covid19 that is currently sweeping the world, as well as other diseases that people are experiencing, have affected both the mental balance and the physical health of human beings. People will have some problems that are reflected in their body under so much stress. In the face of stress, we often bore ourselves. The most important factor that triggers migraine is the nerves pinched between the muscles. Botox can be applied depending on the location of the patient’s pain. . The pain behind the eyes is usually not relieved by Botox and these pains cause migraine attacks due to the turbulence of the air in nasal stenosis. In these patients, a nose operation may reduce migraine attacks. Migraine pain from above the eyebrows, temples, back of the neck and scalp can be reduced with Botox in this area. Botox can relieve migraine pain and sometimes relieve it. As a mechanism of action, Botox reduces the contraction of the muscle and reduces the pressure on the nerves passing through this area. Migraine Botox is not a stand-alone treatment method. It is a supportive treatment in addition to medication. The duration of effect of Botox is around 6 months. For migraine treatment, following the advice of your neurology doctor, having Botox will both reduce the migraine attack and relieve migraine pain.
